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Wakapa Academy

Words can not express how excited I am about this year. I moved to Idaho in June of 2018 and I feel blessed to be teaching at Wakapa Academy.

I have a bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics so that is the subject I teach but my intention is really to help my students be excited about learning. A large portion of this website will be dedicated to sharing ideas and info about a great program called, Create Idaho. It gives our students at Wakapa Academy the opportunity to be certified in a variety of computer programs which helps our students be more marketable in the work force.

Soon we will also have the ability for our students to be certified in Microsoft programs as well. So exciting.

Looking forward to becoming an active member of the Buhl Community. Feel free to introduce yourself or contact me.

Create Idaho - please click on the link and find more information.

Here is the presentation I showed the first day of class.

Here is a great resource to understand the expanse of the Adobe Creative Suite.

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